Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
[4) HAROLD A. FAILING SOLON F. GORDON Education is more than just reading books and learning words. In many cases, it is training of the hands to be productive and useful. For many moons, three of Nyack's teachers have been doing just this. It is to these men, from whose patience and experience we have profited so much, that we, the Class of 1952 dedi– cate our Tower. To Solon Gordon, Harold Failing, and Shirley Leighton we express our deepest g ratitude. Mr. Gordon, printing instructor, and Mr. Fai ling, metal shop teacher, can both cla im the same hometown- Lowville, New York, population 5,000. Both attended the same schools in Lowvil le and also the same college- Oswego State Teacher's Col lege. A fter his graduat ion from Oswego and g raduate work at N.Y. U., Mr. Gordon returned to the little one-room school he had attended in his childhood- to find that some of the students were his former classmates. Next stop for him was Nyack, where he has taught ever since. Mr. Gordon and his wife have two children– Alan, 6, and Gerald, 10. Before coming to Nyack, Mr. Failing taught two years in Seacliffe, Long Island . Aside f rom his duties in the metal shop, he has been N. H. S.'s line coach for 15 years. M r. Failing now makes his home with his wife and three children -Ann, Brenda, and John at 100 Sixth Avenue. Mr. Failing and Mr. Gordon often return to their old hometown for a faculty hunting trip, occasionally returning with a rare prize, but more often with just memories of a pleasant weekend. DEDICATION
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