Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

THE 1952 TOWER STAFF Coming from underneath a huge financial burden, the 1952 TOWER managed to make all its drives successful and to reduce its debt to a minimum. TOWER BUSINESS STAFF mem– bers, under business advisor, Fabian Englander, searched the town of Nyack for every ava ilable ad and booster. While business staff members were busy compiling their ads, the editorial staff, advised by Raymond Wray, was working fast and furious to P. Komonchak, Editor meet its deadlines. There were pictures to be taken and identified and write-ups to be done– all in what seemed an incredibly small amount of time. Yet in spite of all this hectic hurrying TOWER members ag ree that they enjoyed every minute of it. The class of 1952 g ives next year's staff every good wish for success and enjoyment on their 1953 TOWER. R. Wray, Adviser Editoriot Stoff Seared, left to right: B. Taylor, P. Komon· chak. Second row: H. Bosco, J. Jewell, B. Travis, S. Por1Z, S. Housman. Third row: G. McManus, B. Vanderbilt, N. Schofield, G. Vice, l. Kleiner, P. Friedman, R. Wray. [58]