Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
Tower Pnotographers B. Taylor, l. lela, ~er Tower Staff Aut row, left to right: J. Muller, M. McNulty, C. Hecht, R. Roman, J. Shaver, 0 . ICoulom· zine, W. Bruce, M. McDermoll. Second row: J. DelPino, J. Stern, B. Giacobbe, B. Johansson, P. lestl!r, M. Ward, M. Probert, S. Portz, S. ICnoght, D. Collins. M. DiNardo. Third row: E. Theis, F. Vodak, J. Schuler, J. Travis, B. Friedman, l. Penkrat, J. linton, R. Kosel, A. Conace, T. Paone. ['59] Busintn Staff Mr. Englander, B. Taylor, l. ICiainer STAFF liSTING Edilor·on·choef ..... ............................ ..... .... . Patricia Komonchak Assistant Editor .................................................... Barbara Travis Business Manager .................................................... Roben Taylor Pie1ure Editor ............................................................ Helen Bosco Snaps Editor ........................................................ Sally Housman Senior Write·ups Edotor ...................................... Grace McManus F4cuhy Write•ups Editor ............................................ Sandra Portz Art Editor ............................................................ Nancy Schofield Club Write·ups Editor .................................... Barbara Vanderbilt Feature Editor .......................................................... Jenifer Jewell Boys' Sports .......................................................... Phil Friedman Girls' Sports ............................................................ Ger.sldine Vice Business Advisor .......................... ft.................. F4bian Englander Edororoal Advisor .................................................... Raymond Wray
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