Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
(60] Firsl row: l. Sucsy, J_ fox, C. Pererman, G. McManus, B. lravis, J. Shaver, N. Schofield. 8. O'Connor, D. lyman. Second row: M. McDermoll, H. Glynn, M. Shover, S. Peterman, E. Alpert, K. Dahlberg, J. Sindt, B Shepard, B. Poll· ridge, R. Merker!, P. Crone, S. Denker, J. Cohen. Third row: A. Sylvester, P. Curti•, F. Haring, M. leoycroh, M. HoRman, M. Miller, E. Reiter, M, Marcu•. Fourth row: J. King, D. Cohen, M Herlihy, B. Campbell, R. Oliver, B. Heffel· Anger. B. Travis, Editor·in·Chief Typewriters clicking madly, rustling papers, editors tearing their hair and crying for just one inch more of copy or a headline that will fit– that's the scene that would meet anyone passing room 16 on make-up night. Then at last, with all work finished, an unusual calm settles over the room, and exhausted staff members trudge home to a long-awaited dinner. One more issue of the "Big Injun" has gone to press. lnjuns are proud of their publication, and rightly so. Under the advisership of Miss Margery Nilson, the "Big Injun" has copped highest hon– o rs-Medalist in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, All-American in the National Scholas– tic Press Association and All-State in the Empire State School Press Association. The In jun is also proud owner of a cha rter for "Quill and Scroll', the national honor society of school newspapers. Big Injun members have also attended news– paper confabs at Syracuse and Columbia Univer- BIG INJUN sities. At the CSPA conference last March, editor– in-chief Barbara Travis and Sports Editor lawrence Sucsy introduced speakers. Miss Nilson, who has been asked often to speak at these confer– ences, conducted a clinic on "Spark Up Your Newswriting." In 1948, four staff members and Miss Nilson traveled to the NSPA Convention at French Lick, Indiana. For the first time this year the "Big Injun" has solicited advertisements from local merchants as part of its financial support. This has been accomplished by Fabian Englander, business adviser to the paper. Editor-in-chief ........................................................ Barbara Travis AS5istant Editor ...................................................... Richard lyman Feature Editor .................................................... Grace McManus Assistant Feature Editor .................................... Charles Peterman News Editor ........................................................ Nancy Schofield SporTs Editor ...................................................... lawrence Sucsy Assistant Sports Editor ................................................ John Fox Business Manager ........................................................ Judy Shaver Assistant Business Manager .................... Mary Jane McDermoll
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