Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

THESPIANS The Senior Thespians, under the capable dir– ection of Miss Evangeline Maclaren, has been for many years, an important part of senior activity. Earlier this year, the club presented a very colorful Christmas Tableaux in cooperation with the music department. It was a production in pantomine, in which the performers stood motionless while a narrative based on the gospel according to St. Luke was being read, and Christ– mas carols were presented by the chorus and band. The "Bernhardt's" and "Barrymore's" of 1952 will take their Anal bow in March, when the club presents the recent Broadway hit, GOODBYE, MY FANCY, a three-act play. The presentation of the annual play has long been a delightful source of entertainment for both the adults and younger people of the community. In connection with their dramatic work, the Thespians will leave the "Teepee" in the late spring and journey down to New York to see a legitimate Broadway play. In addition to learning about acting, the Thespians take an active part in staging, costum– ing and make-up. Some of the meetings, which are held on Wednesday afternoon, were discus– sions of various types of make-up, and stage settings. Officers are: Betty Giacobbe, president; Larry Klai.ner, vice-president; Ruth Kosel, record– ing ~ecretary; Nancy Schofield, corresponding secretary; Stanley Metlitz, and Robert Taylor, treasurers. ' Sttndinv N. Schofleld, II. Taylor, E. Giacobbe, II. Ko!.el, l. Klooner, J. Fonoo,, H Geick, F. Vodok, B. Vot1dorbih, J, Shover, S. Hornyok, P. lrovenon, I. Procopoow, B. Le$1er, B. Porlrodvo. M. Sloorhofl, S. Mockenzie, P. Spilzer, D. Scheno, l. Pounds, M. Morri.lohn, C. Capone, l. Duponl, C. Hechl, M. MCN11I1y, Sealed, f'irsl row: S. Meolorz, J. Srern, C. Pererman, C: Cooke, P. lt!$1t!r, J. Del Plno, J. Muller, B. Travis, J. Brown, W. Bruce, M. McDormoll. Second row: S. Kno!jhl, C. Morgan, V. Smloh, G. McMan11s, J. Kong, D. Cohen, L. Suuy, R. Johnaon, W. Feher. S. Mock. H. Bosco, S. Hpllsman. Third row, S. Por1z, J. linron, l. Penkrol, 0. Koulomzino, J. Jow!"• B. Johonuon, P. Komo,cha,k, M. Proben, II. Roman. Fourlh row: J. Schuler, J. Polhemus, E. Theis, J. Trav10, M. Word, A. Seonley, M. Roppey, J. Bernsreln, B. Frledmon, D. Collins, l Paone, M. DiNardo. [61]