Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
(62] GENERAL ORGANIZATION Under the leadership of its officers, Michael Condello, president; George Tanges, vice-pres– ident; Dorothy Collins, secretary; Robert Prindle, treasurer, and the guidance of Miss Krum and Mr. Desmond, the General Organization has had a busy and prosperous year. For the first time in the history of N. H. S. a football queen and three ladies-in-waiting were elected to reign at the annual and very successful G. 0. dance. Fran Vodak copped the honor of queen; Betty Giacobbe, Dorothy Collins, Sally Housman, ladies-in-waiting. The treasury was expanded by the sale of basketball schedule pencils. A new water foun– tain was installed on the track due to the efforts of the G. 0. Rockland County G. 0. experienced another successful year with Nyack as an active member. To compensate for their work G. 0. repre– sentatives and court attended a television show in the spring. G. 0 . OFFICERS lefl ro roghr. R. Prindle, D. Collinl, G. Tangel, M. Condello. Srandong S O~nker, B. Koploworx, B. Shepard, C. Meyer, E. Cacciamani, H. Booco, G McManus, M. A. Hogan, B. Giacobbe, E. Alpetl, B. Osborn, N. Kolb, A. Gibbons, E. Theis, T. Val~nrlne, C O rlando, E. Chapmon, J. Somondt, J. Noll, 0. fobble, C. Workins, H. l.,a~l. l. Klaoner, J Bradahaw, J. Pro~sr. R. Olover, J. Grou, B. Campbell, R Mock, N. Bradshaw. ~ared-Firsr rowo R Coloman, K. S<hweikardr, G. Rledemeiuer, N. Waldmon, • N. Savoury, T. l~mire. M. Foccioli, M. Specror, J. King Second row R Prondlo, D. Collins, M. Condello, G. Tanges.
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