Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
COLLEGE ENTRANCE CLUB Acquainting students with college boards and other competitive examination, is the main pur– pose of the College Entrance Club. Students in– crease their interests in literature by discussing various plays and literary works. Lawrence Suscy is President, Fran Vodak, Vice-President, Patsy lester, Secretary. JUNIOR ROTARIANS Junior Rotarians consist of boys selected from the senior class by the faculty for their excellence and promise in any one field. Bob Prindle was elected President, Carl FirS! row: P. ltSiar, H. Bosco. J Srorn. 8. Gitcobbe. P. Komonchak. S. Knivhr, C. Williams, C. Morven, Or l!oody. adviser, S. Portz. Second row: R. hylor, C. Pererman, P. Frootdman. W. Feller, l . Kleiner, 1!. Johruen, W. Bruce, S A. Mock, l. Smrrh, t.l. Wilkinson. Third row: 1!. Srewerl, J. Kong, G. Chtire, W. Wood, 0. Cohen, M. O'Oowd, A. Hyman, F. Vodek. J. Polhemu•, l. Penkrar, N. Schofield, H. Kefeli, J. llnron, 0 . Koulomzine. Fo..nh row: 0. McCormock, P. Licval, G. Lukin1ky, l. Suuy, B. Vonderbilr, J. Shover, M. Roppey. Fofrh row: V. Sivakov, J. McCormick, M. Gnourcheff, J. Muller, J. Jewell, E. The11, J. T11vlt, A. Stanley. Brooks, Vice-President, Art Hyman, Secretary– Treasurer. Jim Brown, Mike Condello and Mike O'Dowd are directors. Sear.,d: A. Hyman, C. Brooks, R. Prindle, M. Condello. Srending: 0. Gallo, M. O'Oowd, J. Grou. (65]
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