Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
Flw row: R. Sheperd, E. Cacciamani, A. logiodke, S. Mctllt~. P. Glynn, R. Black, S. Gordon. Second row: l. Gates, J. Chrluoe, R. Olsen, 8. Leitner, J. latham, R. Callahan, J. Billig. Third row: W. Campbell, J. Faulkner, A. Dellolio, J. Grou, J. Melle. F c.. roldo. Fourth row: J. Fox, A. Gallo, M. Amu, C. lang, R. Si•co, D. Gallo, J. Gaer,en. f irst row: J. Soli, B. Motto, E. Mealey, R. Oliver, P. Bullock, J. Cioncimino, M. Rokotr, R. Wadworth, P. Klein. Second row• C. Smlrh 1 R. llrunngraber, IC. Begbie, M. Pollord, A. lenti, P. Scheno, S. Secor, A. Ol jver, S. Woller, W. Gat.,, N. Bone. Tnird row: W. Merson, J. lief, E. Ingalls, A. Greenwald, D. Oliver, D. Benlg, R. Adovany, S. Merimin, P, Allogor, M. Welch, C. Mealey, I. Pollard, J. Welch, A. Porrletti, J. Dickinson. SENIOR SERVICE SQUAD Senior and junior service squads are composed of students showing definite leadership qualities. The two squads help keep law and order in the school building, at games, and other social affairs. The members enforce the rules set up by the G. 0. Court, and in this way work closely with the General Organization. Advisors are Miss Helen Carter and Solon Gordon. Under this capable super– vision, the squads work to– gether to encourage stu– dent cooperation in main– taining an efficient man– agement of the s c h o o I through the combined ef– forts of the faculty and students. JUNIOR SERVICE SQUAD [66]
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