Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

HONOR SOCIETY Membership i n I o the Honor Society is based on scholarship, leadership, service and cooperation. Each year it sponsors College Night, an occasion which gives all students an opportunity to speak with the representatives from colleges, a r me d forces , nursing and trade schools. Joy Stern is President; Robert Taylor, Vice-presi– dent; Frances Stevens, Sec– retary; and Nancy Scho– field, treasurer. Leaders Club, supervised by Rudolph Rejholec, is composed of boys from all grades who show leader– ship qualities and are active in sports. Activities include officiating in gym classes, taking care of locker rooms and promoting intramural games. Highlight of the year was the sponsoring of a circus to raise money for the Athletic Association. Officers include Jerry Gross , President ; Mike Ames, Vice-President ; and Carl Brooks, Secretary– Treasurer. LEADERS CLUB (67] Mou Krum, advl•••, J Stern, G. McManv•, 8 l rovos, l . Kla•ner, J. Muller, P Komoncna~. F Steve"'· N. Schofield, R. T•vlor for•t row1 Mr. Retholec, C. Fabend, R. Shoperd, R. Black, J. Gross, R. hylor. S. M~tlllt. Second row: B. loolner, B. Malcolm, 0. Dennehy, R. Prindle, J. Ridlon, A. Simond>. Thord row' B. Campbell, W. Ro>o, M. Ames, D. Cutner, B. Springer