Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

11TH GRADE DRAMATIC CLUB Flrsl row: J. Fenlon, M. Moll, J. Konzen, M. Moll, M. Marcus. Sec· ond row: G. Allison, B. Lalka, A. Arnold, N. Broome, D. Palmalier, N. Kolb, J. Simonds. Third row: D. Valenline, J. Ridlon, P. Slovens, J. Boll, K. DeGraw. Twenty-five members of the Tenth Grade Dramatic Club meet every Friday with club ad– visor Miss Elinor Ganley. The club presented two plays in assembly, "Uncle Bob's Pride", and the "Monkey's Paw". In March the members took a trip to New York City to see "The King and I". There were also field trips to see television shows. Officers are President, Peggy Giles; Vice-Pres– ident, -Ann May Boyd; Secretary, Janice Sindt; and Treasurer, Diane Smitn. Members of the Eleventh Grade Dramatic Club presented "Antic Spring" in an assembly last February seventh. Advisor for the club is H. Joseph Rowland. Highlight of the activities was seeing a Broad– way production in New York City. During the club meetings, when there was no play rehear– sal, the members devoted their time to reading extra plays and presentations. This part of the drama department has existed for only two years but in that short length of time has established another excellent activity in the high school. lOTH GRADE DRAMATIC CLUB Four row: C l!uo, M. Perreavh, D. Smlrh, M. Giles, A. M. Boyd, J. Sindr, J. Gaera, B. Heflolt'lnger. Second row: M. G. Gikhresr, M. Hanley, S. Guerrieri. E. Way, M. Hollman, C. Senne, l. Baver, M. Shaver, A. Campora. Third row: M. A. Hogan, J Waldron, J. Wehe, J. Simond, J. Brownbridge, A. Gib· bons, B. Smirh, J. Goodman. Fourth row: l. Guerriero, M. Herlihy, J. Kurner, M. Srach, E. Davidson, W. DeGroar, S. Barth. (68]