Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

(6] THE ADMINISTRATION Kenneth R. MacCalman, our thoroughly praelical, sy$1ematic, efficient superintendent, Is a Pasr President of the Nyack Rotary. Peerlessly ralenrtd locally, his tnfluenrial spirit has extended far and wide as a member of rhe New York Srare Commirree on Social and Economoc Trends and of rhe Naloonal Advisory Council on School Building Problems, as well as a member of rhe Board of Trustees of rhe Palmer fund of New York City. Mr. MacCalman receoved his A.B. at Elon College, hos M.A. ar Columbia University and dod graduare work at N.Y.U. and Columbia. Held in inestimable regard by rhe srudenrs of N.H.S. because of his conscientious endeavor and co·operarivc demeanor is our principal, A. W. Rirrersnausen. His Boy Scour and ~·H Club activities manifosr his inroresr in yourh. H;s hobbies Include mineralogy and gardening. He graduated wirh a B. S. degree from Cornell University and earned his M.S. ar Albany Stare Teachers College. Increased administrative dutoes are performed by our ad· minisrrative auisranr, Joseph Phillips. He capably assists rhe superintendent, principal and guidance director. He acts as guidance d irector for the Junior High students. Busy Mr. Phillips originated the enrerraining "Medicine Snow," a scil!nrific display unir. He received his B.S. ar California Stare Teacners College and earned his M.A. al Columbia University.