Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
Font row: M A. hcciolo, H Ber•rdo, C. Collon1, J. loel, S. Stew•n. A. lenti, P. Wrueo, J. Hertz Second row· B. Enni1, D. Mulholland, G. Rerdemeiller, J. Campbell, N. Rokof!, 8. Koether, S. Stewort, W. Zukowa. lhrrd row: J. Rowe, A. Galve1, H. Rehman, W. Me,.on, C. Dauksza; G. Stephan•. J. Peterman. MEDICINE SHOW Dr. Phillips Medicine Show, an assemblage of explosions, acids, terrifying apparatus, and viscious students toured the county car– rying scientific phenomenon to those watching. Requests for performances poured in at such a rate that they could not all be satisfied. The aurora of brilliant name, the dense clouds of smoke, and the echoes of the explosions, never failed to fas– cinate the audience. 7TH GRADE DRAMATIC CLUB The youngest group of drama enthusiasts is the Seventh Grade Dramatic Club. These members meet every Wednesday to dis– cuss various types of acting and stage setting. Main project of the club was a presentation of a play in assem– bly. From this they garnered much useful information which will prove valuable in future years. President of the club is Jeff– rey Lief. Advisor is Miss Chad– yeane Paulus. leh to right: 8. O'Connor, l Klainer, R. Tavlor, l. Suc•v. (70] Se1ted J. Stockmevcr, Mr. Templon, J. l~ebre, R. Mock. G. lubin1kv. St•ndrng: J. Br.ggo, G. MarQulrt, V. Sivakov, A. Andrev1k. CHESS CLUB The Chess Club with Mr. Warren Templin as its capable advisor, is divided into two groups, the beginners and the "experts". The beginners, who have played under fifty games, learn the basic opening moves, while the more experienced players study the more popular opening moves and try to perfect their games. Since the club was organized for sport only, no officers were elected.
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