Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
LIBRARY STAFF The Library Staff, with a mem– bership of forty-flve members, eighth through twelfth graders, is directed by Margaret Keen, Li– brarian. The Library Club, composed of thirteen members, holds its meetings every Thursday after– noon. The officers include: Betty Caliman, President; Gerry Forte, Vice-President; Rachelle Cooper, Treasurer. Members handle attendance passes, file materials, charge out books, run library errands and process all new books. J I r •• Sealed: M. M.,luen, L. Walker, G. Farro, 8. Collman, N. Anderson, R. Cooper, P. Chamber. loin, A. Hoff Fiw row• M. Gambello, P. Klein, G. Scou, S. Healey, M. Hoff, M. Nedelko, S. Miller, E. HartJ<!r, 1. Morgoll1, R. Kuhn. A. Gorrilon, J. Forre. Second row: H. Nenninger, R. Nenninger, V. Compbell, l. Dellolio, F. Froo, M. Maskell, G. Maskell, S. Failla. STAGE CREW The stage crew has been es– pecially busy this year rendering valuable service to the school. The m e m b e r s provide the chairs and other assorted props for assemblies, and in other ways aid the smooth performance of the presentations undertaken. Members are: Frank latham, Emil Parietti, Warren Faivre, and John Radcliffe. loh 10 rlgh!: E. Parrlofll , W. Felvre, f . latham, R. Radcliff. JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY The purpose of the Jun ior Hon– or Society is to instill a more active interest in its organization. Membership in the Junior Honor Society does not assure member– ship into the Senior group. Larry Cohen and Joe Frascino are Co-Presidents, Arlene Twit– chen, Corresponding Secretary; Carole Stern, Recording Secre– tary; and Charlie Orlando, Treas– urer. The group is under the dir– ection of Miss Marion Haynes. fir61 row: C S1ern, J. Frncino, l . Cohen, A. Twilchen. Second row• [71 J J. Fox, M. Marcus, J. Webb, J. Bell.
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