Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
F"" row: E. ~chwelkardt, W. Petrt, W. Anderson, R. Morken, A. Toto. ~cond rowr E. Milford, S. Housman, A. Boyd. C. Morgen, A. Feher, K. Schenlg, J. Bleggl, E. Reiter, T. O'Connor, J. Konten, 0, Schoctner, B. Chapmen. Third row: l . DuPont, A. Campora, K. Schwelkerdt, J . lyman, V. Smith, G. McMenua, J. ~ward, J. Poll, R. Olton, N. Anderson, G. Scheldlg, A. Richard, R. Beron, A. Church, N. Savoury, 0. Collins, B. Johanuon, M. Gilchrest, 0. Smlrh. Fourrh rows J. Shtvor, M. Gil11, M, Bell, M. Shaver, C. Cumming•, J. Simonds, P. Brown, J. Rippey, J. King, T. Immerman, C. Williams, J. Miele, J. Perk, G. Beck, F. Vodok, J. Muller, C. Engel•. P. teller, H. Bo>eo, J. Sindr, M. Mereu•, M. Mothaen. Fifth row: V. lhochenko, A. Stenley, J. Trevi1, M. Moll, 8. latke, J. Polhemus, C. Cooke, N. Broome, B. Shermen, B. Toto, M. Mort, P. Esmey, 0. Willlemt. P. Stevens, J. McCormick, 0. Gello, G. Geetjen, E. Rooney, M. loeycrolt, C. Prie.r, H. Suse, J. Jewett, 9. Melller, J. Prlelt, H. Muller, M. Hoffmtn, J. Rippey, H. Frohllng, M. Rippey, B. Osborn. CHORUS COLOR GUARD This is one of the largest and best choruses in Nyack's history. Officers of the band are President, John Brett; Vice-President, Donald Rehman; Secretary, Arlene Twitchen; and Treas– urer, Kenneth Schettig. Officers of the Chorus are President, John Park; Vice– President, Dorothy Collins; Secretary, Pat– ricia Lester; and Treasurer, Elizabeth Mil– ford. Band and Chorus worked together in most of the school functions. The Christ– mas Concert, Open House, numerous Spring Concerts, and the Music Festival brought the two musical organizations to new heights. Led by drum majorette Helen Geick, twirlers displayed their talent with bat– ons, at football games, Open House, and concerts. The len high-strutting majorettes showed many new routines at games and added resplendence at the Band Banquet and Open House. Color Guard, under the supervision of Samuel Templin, made a splendid show– ing at all football games and school func– tions. In parades and assemblies, the color guard provided the spirit needed. Left ro right· R. M. Herlihy, 8. Chapman F. Sonrorio, J. Bohler, J. Chrlllie. (73]
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