Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

El Circulo Espanol, Nyack High School's Span– ish Club, under the direction of Senorita Ramirez, had a very interesting and enjoyable year. The club has aided its members in acquiring an in– sight into the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries and improving the students' use of the Spanish language. This Christmas the Spanish Club undertook the project of publishing its own newspaper, which was called Feliz Pascuas. The officers of the club are: J . Bernstein, Pres– ident; B. Bernstein, Vice-President; J. Brown, Sec– retary and J. M . Fenton, Treasurer. GERMAN CLUB f i,.t row: E. Schweikardt, E. f•ccioli, l. Smith, R. Vahle.. Sec· ond row: W. Nic.kles, G. Br•'d•haw, Mr. Merz, M. Rubens, S. Schneider. [74) SPANISH CLUB f irst row: J. Brown, C. S110rn, A. Pulvertafl, G. Noble, B. Stem, f. Walmsley, C. West, N. Weldmen, B. Tenges, M. Wirtenson, S. Denker. Second row: J. Bernstein, J. Fenton, B. Bernstein, Senorita Ramirez, D. Smith, P. Mi"hell, J, Beech, C. Stoword, J. Bradshew, C. Capone, M. P1lluino, l. Smith, M. Mercus, P. Viola, l. Hecht. The German Club, under the superv1s1on of Albert Merz, had a very successful and enjoyable year. The purpose of the club is to gain a better understanding of the people of Germany through learning their customs, their songs and their games. The meetings were devoted to learning songs and looking at pictures of Germany. The students also went to the Museum of Art and to see a German movie. Officers are: S. Schneider, President; M. Roberts, Vice-President; and L. Smi th, Secretary-Treasurer.