Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

FRENCH CLUB Mrs. Larham, C. Richmond, C_ Allionr, J. l!ippey, G. Marquoro, B. Bourgeois. The French Club was organized to give the students a better understanding of the French language and customs. Members spent some meetings making projects, while others were de· voted to conversing in French, playing French songs and singing them. This year, the Club, under the supervision of Mrs. Elizabeth Latham, also went on several trips to New York City. Officers of the club are: C. Richmond, President; H. Neuman, Vice-President; and W. Bourgeois, Treasurer. A trip to New York City to the Hayden Plan– etarium and the motion picture "Quo Vadis" was one of the highlights of the activities of the Latin Club this year. The Club, under the direction of Stanton Calla– han , studied the life and customs of the Romans by discussing books. At some meetings, plays per– taining to the lives of great Roman people were acted ouf. Motion pictures were also shown to aid them in their work. LATIN CLUB f irst row, leh ro right: C. Rich. mond, H. Kcfli, B. OcGroor, J. Simonds. Second row: M. Muller, J. fox, Mr. Callahan, C. Meyer. [75]