Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

fir>t row· P. Crum, E. Hertwlck, t. Mtrgolo>, S. Miller, f . Well>. Second row: S. Kochaydt, A. Bagnoni, A. Lento, S. Smolly, R. Krovin, N. Hall, C Manahan, M. Evan>, M, Pollard, J. Rowe. Third row D. Savell, E Ingell>, C. forman, N lydecker, A Allen, S. Schreyer, G. Reidemelster, J. Rowe, R. Bourgeoo>, D. Mulholl1nd, S. He1ley, S. Walter>, J. Noll, l. D1vidoon, B Meroon, K. DeJong. fourth row: R. Calimen, f. Goldberger, J Ctruoo, E. Dicken>, E Edw1rdo, F. ltnztnnt, A. Sylve>ter, V. C1mpbell, P. Brown, S. Toto, B. 8rogon, R. Kipp, B. Cohen, F. Wemoley, A. Huloe, N Jersey, l. Tampion, C. lrovell, M. Bo><o, G. Scott. JUNIOR CHORUS Junior H i g h Chorus, started last year, is one of the newest additions to the music department. This group, composed of seventh, e ighth, and nin th graders, prepared numerous selections in three part harmony. The ftfty voice choir, which meets three times a week, was displayed at the Chirstmas program, Open House, and various concerts. Director is Mrs. Con– stance Fehling . Accomp– anists are A. Bagnini, F. Bourgeois, and J. Noll. Fint row: P. Pelts, M. J. Hudoon, l. Murphy, E. Milford, P. Pelmllier, C. Stern, A. Twltchen, M. Allioon. Stteond row: J. Schmidt, E. Herneez, 8. Van loon, l. McDermott, l. levine, J. fenton, J. Konun. Third row: G. 81euvelt, V. Doraey, J. Rippey, A. foiling, B. Sherman, B. Pearl, I. Goble, H. Henoen, D. Pelubln. Fourth row: P. Hicks, E. lester, E. little, M. Steffens, B. Latka, A. Nelson, l. Schuler, E. Breitman, P. K..rney, N. Kolb. E. Toto. HOSTESS CLUB The Hostess Club serves and ushers at almost all school affairs among them being the Annual Sports, College Night, Mother and Daughter banquets; the Band Concerts and numer– ous teas and faculty affairs. Organized in 1947 by Mrs . Willis lester, the club is comprised of thirty-ftve Junior girls. Beside being presented with pins for their service, the Board of Education also rewards the members with a trip to New York to see a Broadway show during the late Spring.