Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
ROCKLAND COUNTY HI-Y COUNCIL The Hi-Y Council, consist– ing of the President and two representatives from each Hi-Yin Rockland Coun– ty, was organized for the purpose of coordinating the activities of the individual clubs. The main project of the group was the sponsorship of the New York City Area Assembly early last fall . Eleven legislative bills were presented to the delegates who discussed and voted on them as genuine legislators would. Officers include, Presid– ent, Robert Taylor, Nyack; Vice-President, Gus Omlauf, Spring Valley; Secretary, Fran Vodak, Nyack; Treas– urer, Tom Roepe, Spring Valley; and Chaplain, Bar– bara Travis, Nyack. "Y" DANCE CLUB Highlight of "Y" Dance Club's 1951 -52 season was its fifth annual Holly Hop, the popular formal dance held during Christmas va– cation . Couples danced to the music of Buddy Zimbler and his band beneath tradi– tiona l g.-een and red crepe paper, snowflakes, h ol I y and evergreens. The club also sponsored a cake sale and several dances afler football and basketball games. Officers are: Robert Tay– lor, President; Larry Klainer, Vice-President; Patricia Les– ter, Secretary; Jenifer Jew– ett, Treasurer. Flr$1 row: F. Vodak, B. Travl•. J. Muller. C Morgan. Second row· l . Klalncr, T. Valentone. 8. hylor, J. Gron . Stondong left to 11ghl: M. M~Dermon, J. Travh, M. Ward, R Kosel, M. Condello, C. Morgon. M. Probert. J. Gtou , F. Vodok, J. Schulet, e. l heos. J. Muller, R. Roman. Se1ted: J. Jewell, l. Klolner, P. Le>ter, 1!. Taylor.
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