Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
HI-Y CLUBS Among the many activities of Alpha Hi-Y was their co-sponsorship of the annual Hobo Fa ir with Sigma Gamma. A talk given by Mr. Phillips on coal mining and various movies throughout the year, not to mention a winter talent show and dance after a basketball game, were also included in their activities. Bob Taylor was vice-president of the N. Y. Stale Council, and Larry Klainer was reading clerk at the state conference. Alpha's bill to extend physical examinations in all intramural sports was brough t to Albany by John Parks. Officers are R. Taylor, President; M. O'Dowd, Vice-President; T. Valentine, Secretary; J. Webb, Treasurer; L. Klainer, Chaplain; G Chaize, Serg– eant-at-arms. Phi Beta held an amateur show, served at an industrial banquet, and also enjoyed dancing les– sons given by "Arthur Murray" Zinn. Stanley Met– litz represented his organization at the Albany Conference. A Officers are S. Metlitz, President; F. Latham, Vice-President; G. Merwin, Secretary; J. Bernstein, Treasurer; J. Gross, Sergeant-at-arms. First on the program of Sigma Gamma Hi-Y was the co-sponsorship of the annual Hobo Fair in November. Other activities included a talk on morals by Dr. Sarah Roady, an after-game dance, serving at the industrial banquet, and selling bas– ketball programs at home games. In the spring they held their annual Easter egg hunt for Liberty Street children. Two of the four bills which they sponsored at the state conference were entered in the Bill Book. Officers are,. C. Morgan, President; J. Fenton, Vice-President; G. McManus, Secretary; N. Scho– field, Treasurer; B. Vanderbilt, Chaplain; Sally Knight, Sergeant-at-arms. One of the activities of Phi Sigma Chi has been a cake sale. They have also sponsored dances after the games, contributed a Christmas basket for a needy family in Nyack, served at an indus– trial banquet and held a successful cakesale. B. Sherman is President; P. Hicks, Vice-Presi– dent; P. Pelts, Secretary; I. Gable, Treasurer; H. Hansen, C. Stern, Sergeant-at-arms; M. Allison, Chaplain. The chief project of Sigma Lambda was selling football programs at home games. Although they sponsored no bill they sent B. Travis as a delegate to the state assembly. Members also held a dance after a football game, and sent their annual Christmas basket to a needy family in Nyack. Officers include B. Travis, President; H. Bosco, Vice-President; M. DiNardo, Secretary; G. Vice, Treasurer; R. Roman, Chaplain; J. Schuler, J. Del Pizzo, Sergeant-at-arms. Theta Chi, composed of eighth-graders, had Miss Clarke speak at one of their meetings and held a small party at another. J . Perreault is President; F. Wamsley, Vice– President; T. Lemire, Secretary; M. Reiland, Treas– urer; C. Calpatto, Chaplain; C. Stewart, Sergeant– at-arms. Ninth Grade Hi-Y, Magna Phi, held an after– game dance and a skating party. M. D'Auria is President; A. Church, Vice-Presi– dent; H. Pforte, Secretary; N. Savoury, Treasurer; .K. Knieriem, Chaplain; J. Marr, Sergeant-at-arms. ALPHA Fir>l row: R. Block, B. foley, E. Cacciomani, P. Glynn, B. Shepard, l. lolrus. Second row: 8. Camp· bell, 8. Miller, F. McCarty, J. Webb, M. O'Oowd, R. Taylor, T. Volenline, G. Chaiu, P. Bemarbo. third row: M. Herlihy, J. Springer, l. Sucsy, J. King, R. Johnsen, P. lleval, C. Pererman, 0. Williom•, J. Roy11er, K. Shenig, E. Chapman. fourrh row: K. lundgren, G. laing, A. Brown, C. Valenline, M. Srach, J. Royller, J. Pork, E. Van Zilen, P. Schulder, E. Robinson, R. Sitco. (78]
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