Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
The Nyack H1gh Football eleven of 1951 was a power packed team runnmg out of the modified smgle wing and spread formations. Throughout the season the squad, under the excellent leadership of Coach Rudy Re1holec, demonstrated their desire to play the game up to the hilt, displaying fine foot– ball, raw courage, and excellent sportsmanship. This final quality resulted in Nyack's winning of the Rotary Sports· manship Trophy for the first time in the history of the award. Our opponents fell the prowess resulting from deter– mination and the high morale of our football eleven, and they will long remember the squad of '51 . Rockland County will never forget the classic game played on the Haverstraw gridiron, in which a heavily favored Raider crew came perilously close to being toppled by a fighting Injun squad. The spirit and skill of these boys was well recognized, for, when the All-County teams were made up, six Nyack players garnered positions on the list. This group included. Bert Leitner, First Team Guard; Jimmy Ridlon, Second Team Quarterback; Bryant Malcolm, Second Team Center; Carl Brooks, Second Team End; Bob Taylor, Second Team Tackle; and Jimmy Brown, Honorable Mention Back. Although their record was only 3-1-3, Nyack can well be proud of this fine spirited group. FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Fiw rowr J. Dickerson, G. Wlllltms T. VIola, S. Simondt, P. Makolm, C. Winfred, C. Raff1, J. Raffa. Second row: J. Jamtt, E. Edwards, C. Arlo~ous, J. Wanamaker, S. Kurland, P. Di Giovanni, J. O'Maney. Third row: G Clancy, R. Schinenler, M. Wolters, G. Kefeli, J. Welsh SIX-MAN FOOTBALL Frrn row J. Brown. M. Klrne. l Row, E Ingalls, R. Kohler, J. Valenri, R. Ohen, A Jone1. Second row: R. Blauvelt, J. Caglione, M. Welch, C. M~aley, W, Garu, A. Frae, K, Sarvenr. Third row: N. Spencer, J. Evan>, I. Pollord, M, Smith, D. Yorg, W. Boone, J. Welch (8.>)
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