Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
[86) WRESTLING led by the coaching of Solon Gordon, the Nyack wrest– ling squad finished the 1952 season in first place. The grapplers completed the year undefeated in county compe– tition. In non-league matches, the Nyackers defeated low– ville, and tied a very strong Watertown club on successive nights. Their only defeat was handed to them by a nation– ally famous leonia squad. This excellent record can be attributed to the fact that eight of the grapplers returned from last year's co-champ– ionship team. Among these lettermen are four individual county champs: Jerry Gross, Captain AI Parker, Stan Met– litz, and Bob Taylor. Also back are Blair Campbell, Bob Shepard, Mike O'Dowd, and Val Dagaev. During the year Gross, who was last year's captain, ran up a string of seventeen straight victories. Another high light of the season was the advent of a JV squad. Under the direcliOn of Mr. Sam Templin the JV held a number of matches with surrounding JV teams. It is believed by both coaches that this squad will greatly improve the caliber of the varsity matmen by giving the grapplers an extra year or two of actual match experience. Fir>r row: 8 Ferg.,on, 8. Olson, e. Miele, e. edwerds, J. Weick, e. l apono, C. Winfree, C. Moele. Second row: 8. Foley, W. Metlltz, V. Oogoev, M. Miller, F. Bivens, 8 Molcolm, S Metlltz, e. Forie, J. Oicltonson, T. Viola. Tkird row: Mr. S. Templin, e. Mtrton, Welch, A. Ptrker, C. Petermen, e. Pfor1e, J. Gross, 8. Campbell. R Taylor, P liev41, l Sucsy, Mr. Gordon.
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