Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
BASKET The 1951-52 version of Nyack's basketball team had a great chance at the county title. led by Coach Frank Nelson, 1951 Coach of the Year, the team had a number of returning lettermen . The squad was hit hard by the loss of All-County star Ira Howard to the eighth term eligibility rule. However back from last year were four first-stringers, Carl Brooks, Jimmy Brown, Skeets Kelly, and Russ Sisco. Nyack's league opener wasn't very encouragmg to Indian supporters as the Haverstraw Raiders edged out the local squad in a very thnlling contest . The team soon found itself, ri nging up four big wins in a row. At the end of the first half of the season Nyack was in a first place tie with Haverstraw and Suffern. V1rsily Buko1b1ll Leh 10 righo: B. Kopenhaver, l . Glynn, J. Ridlon, G. Kelly, R. Delphos. C. Brooks, R. S•aco, T Davia. Cenoer: J. Brown. J.V. 8uhoball fino row l . Whodbee, J. Kam· oaky, P. Bornarbo, C. Orlendo, R. Black. Second row: T. Glynn, D. Waack, D. Williams, Mr. Desmond. R. Royaler, J. Ridlon, W. Daggell. (88)
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