Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

BOWLING The 1952 edition of the Nyack bowling team, again coached by Robert Schild, was hit hard by graduation. The only returning veterans were co - captains Jeff Del– lol io and Phi l Schulder. Around this s m a I I but sturdy nucleus Coach Schild hopes to build a team that will prove to be a credit to Nyack High. fint row: J. Alden, P. Schulder, N, Andeu., W, Owens. Se<ond row J. Delloloo, J Mor~ert. D McCormoc~. Mr. Shields, 1, Morton, D. Cannon, 8. Motto TRACK Although the Nyack track team will miss the services of many capable veterans, there is still a strong nucleus for the team of 1952. Foremost in the list of returning lettermen is Russ Sisco, county champion m the pole vault, who last year set a Nyack vault record of 10 ft. 11'h in. In strong support of Sisco will be Harold Pringle, one of the county's top broad jumpers. Another return will be Stan Metlitz, who excels in the middle distances. Coaches Warren Templtn and Vernon Cox believe that with these returning veterans and the many newcomers expected, Nyack can look forward to a success– ful track season in 1952. Fir" row: J. Dennehy, C. Peterman, P Parroetto, 8 Campbell, J. l•them, J 8ittlg, J. O'Neil. Second row R Si•co, l. Suuy, W ftovre, P. frledmen, S. Brown, l. Whidbu R. V•nNutt, A. Pondi. Thord row· Mr. Co•, S. Methtz, D. Arnold E Brilliont, C Bltck, H Prongle, 8 Wodmer D. D•vos, Mr Templon. [91)