Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

Coach Warren Templin has every reason to be proud of the 1952 harriers. It is a. r~rity in a.ny sport or activity to have every part1c1pant fi n1sh the season. This ·year fourteen boys starled the season and all fourteen finished . It is this per– serverance, loyalty, and cooperation that their coach deeply appreciates. The team, half of which were veterans of the previous season, defeated Stony Po~nt •. Pearl River, and Spring Valley at Bear Mountain 1n the Rock– land County Championship Meet. Captain Stan Metlitz was also selected to represent District Nine ln the State meet at Schnectady. Next year's squad, which will be hit ha rd by graduation, will be led by their newly elected captain, John Billig, one of Nyacks top men. SWIMMING Foru row J Faulkner. S Sh•w. W. S.con, R Koumev•r, P. Brel•nd, S. Denker, E Focc•.olo Second row· D. Thom.., A. Y•uky, J, Kong, E Dahlberg, P Glynn, J P1rk, l Col,en, 8. Spronger, K. Lundgren. Third row: W. Plu.chr, J. Slockm•ver, J. Foelds. Mr. Callihan, J. Webb. m1nager, J. lalham, G. Healy, P. hmay, P. Hackel!. (92) CROSS COUNTRY firs! row, R. Merker!, R. Harlell, S. Mellilz, w. Melloll. J. Somonds, E. Broll1n1.. Second row: J. Billig, H. Schreover, J. Bovgy, M. Muller, R. Mole, G. Merwin, G. Tinges, J. Fo•. With a team consisting mostly of veterans, Coach Whitney Callahan looked forward to an– other Rockland County PSAL championship. Al– though the team was hit by graduation, losing N. Rose, J. Boyd, W. Perry and E. Lundgren, they still had an exceptionally strong team. Al~ost all. of the returning tankmen hold Nyack H1gh swim– ming records. Back again to take up where they left off last year are such record holders as J. King, 200 yard freestyle; L. Cohen, 100 yard freestyle; and J. Park, 120 yard individual medley and 150 ya.rd individual medley. In addition, the returnees In– clude members of the top 150 yard medley relay, 180 yard medley relay, 160 yard freestyle relay, and 200 yard freestyle relay. The team started very strong losing only one of their first four meets, that to a strong leonia squad . At this pace it seemed very plaus!ble .for the Indians to again take the county sw1mmmg title.