Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
It is the desire of every girl in Nyack Hi to obtain a large Chenille " N" and membership into the G. A. A. Letter Club. To get an "N" a girl must earn 1,000 points through, active partici– pation in the many sports offered at N .H.S. Every G. A. A. girl has completed a course in First Aid and are wardens in fare and air raid drills. In addition to keeping score, timing, and officiating at games, the girls included a badminton tournament. When a girl has earned 2,000 points, she receives a gold pin and becomes a member of the Inner Circle. INNER CIRCLE Firat rowr J. Stern, H. Muller, C. Williams, G. VIce, J. Schuler, P. Ceves<o, H. Golck, A. DeVries, l. Pounds, M. McDormoll, H. Bo•co. Second row• l. Schuler, D. Pelubin, P. Pelts, P. Hlckl, B. Toro, G. Blauvelt, B. Austin, A. Nol•on, B Sherman, P. Clarke. Third row: A. Troh1n, E. Hern.ez , R. Kosel, J. Shaver, T. Paone, M. Prober!, R. Roman, P. Komonchak, G. McM1nu1, J. linton. G.A.A. CIO<kwiae, J. Schuler, G. Vice, A. Trahan, A. DeVrrea. Middle: P. Clarke. [96]
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