Gilboa High School 1953 Yearbook (Gilboa, NY) - Full Access

RICHARD JACKSON "If you think it is worth the cost of doing, go ahead and do it!" Sports Club 1; Rifle Club 2; Photography Club 3; Dramatics Club 4; Class Play 2, 3, 4; Driver Training Play 2. WILLIAM JOSEPH KNISKERN "Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. Baseball 2, 3,4; Sports Club 1; Radio Club 2; FFA 3,4; FFA County Reporter 4; FFA Judging Team 4. PATRICIA LAW MILES KOHLER "Men have died from time to time and worms have eaten them– but not for love." Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 1; Rifle Club 2; Photography Club 3; Dramatics Club 4; Class Play 2, 3; Driver Training Play 3. "Be quick to forgive and slow to anger." Softball 1; Basketball 1; FHA 1, 2, 3, President 4; Student Council 2, 3; Secretar.y of class 1; Junior Prom Attendant 3; Senior Play 4; State FHA Delegate 3.