Gilboa High School 1953 Yearbook (Gilboa, NY) - Full Access

CLASS HISTORY In 1941 several of our classmates, namely Myrtle Young, Beverly Fancher, Clara Rogers, Wayne Taylor, LeGrand Buel, Gerald Dent and Miles Kohler, started their school career at G. C. s. while the rest of us started first grade at a variety of schools throughout the state. During Junior High School we were joined by many of our pre– sent classmates which brought the total number to seventeen. In 1949 we entered high school with Sidney Vining as President and Mr. Fernan our class advisor. We started off our high school life with elaborate plans for the future. With fine class spirit we started our most successful project of the year, selling ga~den seeds, which netted our treasury $35. 00. During the spring of our Sophomore year our most successful project was the Sophomore Dance which netted our treasury $102. 00. Our Junior Year, with Sidney Vining still President of our class, and Mr. Delmastro, our advisor, we had many successful projects such as dances anti magazine sales, so that our treasury was increased to $800. 00. Our class me:nbership had reached 19. Besides the fund raising projects we also put on three one act plays which were "Murder at Midnight," our Freshman play, "Junior is a Genius," our Sophomore play, and "Ghost Farm," a murder mystery, our Junior play. Our Freshman year we went to North Lake for a class picnic, and our Sophomore and Junior years to Gilbert's Lake. Each always turned out to be a very enjoyable day for everyone. Now the long awaited privilege of being Seniors arrived, and with it a m~mbership of 24. Sidney Vining again was chosen class President; Mr. Delmastro remained our advisor. Our class treasury still grew before the long awaited trip to Washington, D. C. as we once more sold maga– zines and candy and held dances. --Patricia Law, '53