Gilboa High School 1953 Yearbook (Gilboa, NY) - Full Access

BAND First row: P. Hughes, C. Leger, W. Micha, F. Hallock, J. Beers, C. Acello, s. Dunham. Second row: P. Mueller, P. Rossi, D. Kishpaugh, S. Plankenhorn, A. Cater, F. Newcomb. Third row: F. Ballard, W. Taylor, D. Hallock, H. Dent, D. Becker, C. Braren, J. Fuller. Fourth row: J. Braren, F. Ermlich, w. Drebitko, J. Marquit, B. Fancher, N. Cutler, F. Van Aken, Mr. R. Davenport. Not present: A. Conine, D. Denny, W. Denny, J. Bailey, R. Elli– son, E. Fowler, L. Lewis, A. Murray, J. Rogers, L. Smith. After rebuilding the lower brass sections, which was necessary because of graduation, the Band had a most successful year. Playing concerts for P. T.A., County Festival, and the Earl Pudney show, were the highlights of the Band program. They.were, represented at the All– State Music Sectional by Wayner Taylor and Fred Ermlich. The "Eye" spot for the Tooters came with the arrival of the new Purple and Gold uniforms.