Gilboa High School 1953 Yearbook (Gilboa, NY) - Full Access
STUDENT COUNCIL First row: Mr. V.B. Peckham, V. Delmar, R. Mace, V.P., R. Pommerer, President, A. Stew– art, Secretary, P. Hughes, Treasurer. Second row: J. Marquit, N. Parliman, F. Newcomb, B. Mattice, H. Keith, F. Ballard, H. Dent, W. Micha. Student Council's big project of the year has been the organization and operation of a safety patrol which functions on all buses. Its most recent innovation is the making of welcome signs in the visitors' school colors for use at each home ball game. ART CLUB R. Cater, C. Traulsen, Mr. E. Grassi, E. Mower, F. Nickerson. The objective of the Art Club is to afford an opportunity for people to talk about and do things which ordinarily would not find place in the daily school schedule. It is hoped that here is the spark that will set fire to the inexhaustable fuel of imagination.
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