Gilboa High School 1953 Yearbook (Gilboa, NY) - Full Access

F.H.A Mrs. E. Day, L. Roe, P. Law, President, P. West, Treasurer, J. Barkman, A. Conine, Vice President, Mrs. E. Haskin, Chapter Mother, H. Dent, E. Proudman, Rep., M. Hubbard, Secre– tary. The FHA succeeded in sending a Christmas Box to Korea. They are planning to send two girls and Mrs. E. Day, their advisor, to the State Convention at Morrisville. They are also sending two girls to summer camp. F .F.A. First row: R. Myers, Sen., R. Pickett, G. Hubbard, C. Wyckoff, B. Mattice, President. Second row: R. Mace, Vice President, W. Kniskern, P. Robinson, R. Hitchcock, Treasurer, J. Peifer, D. Tompkins, L. Buel, Reporter. Third row: A. Ormsbee, N. Buel, W. Taylor, Secretary, R. Haskin, F. Peifer, H. Keith, Mr. F. Wickert. Not present: P. Ellis, B. Rogers, A. Murray. The FFA Chapter of G. C. s. in '52-'53 placed highest in the county at the Cobleskill Fair in the Judging of Dairy Cattle and Poultry. They put on a Father and Son Banquet December 1st., and are planning to send four delegates to the State Convention. They are also planning a Rising Sun Chapter.