Gilboa High School 1953 Yearbook (Gilboa, NY) - Full Access

CAFETERIA First row: Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. E. Haskin, Mrs. E. Day, A. Conine, H. Dent, C. Haskin, C. Braren, P. Law, E. Mower, R. Cater, E. Proudman, J. Barkman, R. Brainerd. Second row: P. West, M. Hubbard, F. Hoyt, F. Newcomb, F. Nickerson, J. Traulsen, C. Traulsen, J. Fuller, C. Leger, E. Newcomb. Third row: R. Haskin, R. Mace, N. Buel, T. Haskin, W. Micha, F. Ermlich, P. Hughes, D. Cornell. The cafeteria is a co-operative organization including the actual working staff and all the students in the school. Every one takes a personal pride and interest in keeping the dining room clean and attractive. Mrs. Day plans the menus and assists with supervision and the organization of work. Mrs. Haskin and Mrs. Miller are in full charge of preparation and service of food. They are assisted by thirty high school students. The Prattsville cafeteria, supervised by Mrs. F. Marquit, is run in conjunction-with the cafeteria in this school. HOMEMAKING CLASSES M. Young, C. Traulsen, E. Proudman, Mrs. E. Day, F. Nickerson, E. Mower, M. Peifer. There is a large enrollment of students in the homemaking classes this year. The various courses offered this year are the 7th and 8th grade cooking and sewing classes, homemaking lA and lB, homemaking 2A and 2B, and homemaking 3 (a double period for advanced work.) One of the unusual features of the program is the group of inter-school projects carried on by the homemaking 3 girls. These include kindergarten, lst. and 2nd grade assistants, secre– taries, promoters of health education, and mid-day lunches for lower grades. The courses are being broadened this year through the means of field trips, demonstrations, and movies.