Kingston High School 1964 Yearbook (Kingston, NY) - Full Access

D.E.C.A. Row 1: D. Berardi, K. Woino ki, S. Ka mir, J. accarato, K. Conner, F. Marello, M. Quarantino, J. Herring, J. Clau i, W. Cole. Row 2: J. VanAllen, J. Puglise, l\1. Gilyardi, I. Quaranlino, . Flemming, B. Craddoek, B. [iller, B. Gedney, B. Rus ell, P. Harvey, S. Bon e, J. Dawe, B. Bunten. Row 3: L. Fitzgerald, R. Henry, W. chmidt, G. Nagy, R. chmitz, W. Hand chub, F. Gallo, M. mith, V. chipp, l\I. Sharp, F. Barley, S. Baker, G. Lyons, J. Glo . Row 4: . Ro en tein, V. Vogt, T. Lucas, W. Platte, T. Murphy, D. Burn , D. Van Keuren, I. Elting, L. Clearwater, E. Burn , T. Auringer, V. Vigliotti, R. Butler, . DeGraff, D. Greene. Row 5: M. Brinkerhoff, A. Carney, T. Trought, D. Perry, T. Kotrady, B. Boyce, J. Blapely, unidentified, D. An on, J. Conrad, unidentified, D. Lowe, W. Brauer. Row 6: D. Bee mer, T. Krum, J. Ca ell, P. Decker, P. Lind ay, P. Akin , L. enor. OFFICER PRESIDENT ······-······--·--·······-·--·· JOHN HERRI G VICE-PRES. ·-·--·-············-·············· BEVERLY BU TEN SECRETARY -·-···-················-····· MARY QUARA TINO TREASURER -··-··-········-······ LARRY CLEARWATER PARUAMENTARIAN ·····-··--···- FRA MORELLO HI TORIA ····-·--····--·····--·- BARBARA JACK 0 D.E.C.A., the Di tributive Education Clubs of America, i a nationwide group involved in learning the ethic and ocial grace necessary in modern retaiHng. K.H.S.'s 92 member elect officer and during March compete at Albany in exams related to the retailing program. The requirement for member hip is to complete succe fully Retailing I. Radio English Club Row 1: Pat Harvey, L. Tiano, J. William , J. Hahn, C. Augustine. Row 2: P. Hotaling, C. Berardi, M. A. Quarantino, K. Fisher, L. Jope . Row 3: N. Van Wezenmaal, M. D'Annuncio, J. Tucker, 108 . Bisset, A. Glowinski. Row 4: J. Peterson, G. Terwilliger, R. Sahloff, J. Joy. OFFICER PRE IDENT _ PAM HOTAUNG VICE-PRE . ... .... NANCY VAN WEZEMAAL ECRETARY -······--··-- MARY D'ANNUNZIO TREA URER ··--··· 1ARY ANN QUARANTINO ADVI OR -····-·- 1\'IR . A NE McNELIS Radio Club, composed of members of the Radio English cla s, provides its members with t h e opportunity to acquaint them elves with the techniques and problem of radio presentation . The other goal of improvement of peech and peech personality became a reality this ear when orne of the member vi ited and helped at the Clinic at King ton Ho pita!. The club held a public pres– entation in the pring.