Kingston High School 1965 Yearbook (Kingston, NY) - Guest Access

6 On Monday afternoon, eptember 6, 1915, Kingston High chool opened its doors for the first time. ixty-one people in the first class of graduates received their diplomas in June of 1916. ow, June, 1965, fifty years after the doors opened, graduates have the same sentiments about leaving Kingston High chool as the graduates did in 1915. Their thoughts were expressed in the poem "Alma Mater". Because we cannot express ourselves any more clearly than they have, we feel a repetition of this poem is in order. On this, the fiftieth anniversary of the "Maroon", we should re-dedicate our– selves in this poem. Alma Mater In one short year we learned to love thee well, Dear chool, from whom with lingering steps we part; Our feet may wander; never will our hearts Fail, at thy name, 'l.vith loyal pride to swell, We watched the seasons of our school years speed Far, far too swiftly, to these last, sweet days, Whose close must mean the parting of the ways; New paths into a distant future lead We know not where, nor to what depth or height, But we can have no better means to gain Honor, success, all that we would attain, Than holding to thy rules of truth and right, o, for thy standards high that e'er will be A call and guidance to the heights above, We bring this book, our loyalty, our love, And dedicate them all, dear school, to thee!