Yorktown High School 1962 Yearbook (Yorktown, NY) - Full Access

1st Row: W. DiYeso, D. Ambrose, S. Siepser, J. Mynt1inen, E. Fesko, L. Bergstein, H. Von Demark, R. Naughton. 2nd Row: T. Chester, C. Lovezolo, R. McCusker, R. Frischmon, R. Vollers, L. Barrett, W. Eode, D. Walsh. 3rd Row: R. Downing, J. Mclean, W. Kenan, H. Baldwin, R. Antonaros, J. Brown, J. Clarke, B. Angelo. The football teams, Varsity and JV, had eight scheduled games each during the 1961 season. An– thony DiYeso, William DiNapoli, John Young and Bernard Robbins coached the two teams. The sport, as usual, had an enthusiastic following of loyal fans for the closely contested games. 1st Row: C. Jones, D. Owen, R. Battaglia, R. Todaro, R. Colvert, R. Fairhurst, C. Blinstone, S. Korner. 2nd Row: M. David, B. Kamke, P. Leibowitz, l. Keller, H. Messina, 8. Dedde, J. Mulcare, E. Ciochin, C. Maddocks. 3rd Row: G. Allen, J. Jaeger, C. Guss, H. Weiss, J. Burke, P. Walker, G. Ibsen, J. Theodores, K. Azzori, D. Aquilio. Junior Varsity