Yorktown High School 1962 Yearbook (Yorktown, NY) - Full Access

Basketball Varsity l st Row: R. Hardy, J. Mongero, L. Bergstein, E. Fesko, R. Frischman, K. Thomas. 2nd Row: H. Baldwin, G. Zuckerman, G. Hardman, J. Brown, B. Angelo, E. Dirkes. J.unior Varsity Holland, W. DiYeso, Z. Siepser, Veyette, J. Burke, R. Antonaros, ( ~-'-- o~( ~?- ~~ ~-- e ,~ a t"-D i' .e C L4.. ~ :J.. Tv c:c {!_Q }f\., ()_ rrv b -e. e + ?.d c:!P' ~ 1'/,..___ . (!_ ( .,._.;,:. ':;? 1 1 W ~ <" S vu Cl.. ~ , All of the basketbdlt-teams did we11 this year. This popular sp~rt coached by Hu h .Nichols, John Do· herty ,and ~neth Hutto as oammoncle_d a oyal spectator audience wheth r the teams were 'nning ar losing.