Yorktown High School 1962 Yearbook (Yorktown, NY) - Full Access

1st Row: M. Gonzales, G. Mongero, V. Hartel, P. Ellis, S. Piscatello, D. Blanchard. 2nd Row: l. Mongero, J. Ghezzi, T. Green, C. Swain, H. Johnson, S. Barker. Girls' Varsity and JV Hockey teams continued their traditional reputation for high interest and sportsman– ship under the coaching of Dorothy Downing. Their schedule included games with John Jay, Fox Lane, and Scarboro. Girl's Hockey 1st Row: B. Turner, M. Reinisch, D. Boehmer, E. Greco, l. Germano, N. White, C. Gunther, J. Johnson. 2nd Row: J. Holz, E. McKeen, J. Gunther, A. Feldman, J. Fog"elberg, G. Mc– Donald, L. McCormick, C. Younger, C. Papper.