Yorktown High School 1962 Yearbook (Yorktown, NY) - Full Access

DIANE BARRETT 11 Hah?" ... "Are you kidding?" ... "I hate history." Record 2,3, ass't editor 4; Fashion Club 1, pres. 3,4; library Club 2,3, sec'y 4 , Library Staff chairman 4; Psychology Club 2; Press Club 2,3,4; GO 4; Honor Society 3,4; Yearbook; Prom Comm; Sen– ior Play; Chorus 2, 3. ARTHUR BERKMAN 11 A-hunting we will go." . . . 'What's this about food?" . . . "OK, Mr. Cas– setta." Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2; Pal– ette Club .4; Rod and Gun Club 3; Prom Comm.; Senior Play; Chorus 1, 3. SUSAN BARKER "Mr. Puff Puff" ... "Let's go up to the aqueduct" Softball 1, 2, 4; Basketball 4; Hockey 1, 2, 4; Class Sec'y 3; GO 2, 3; Prom Comm.; Service Club 1; Yearbook; Chorus 2, 4. VICTOR BOBZIAN "So-o-o Big." ... 'Where's my little bit– tie one?" ... ''Yep, that's where I come from." Football 1 ,2,4; Baseball 1,2; Model Club 3. 31