Yorktown High School 1962 Yearbook (Yorktown, NY) - Full Access
1st Row: G . Coccetti, J. Hass, R. Hardy, M. Pataine, E. Myntinen, l. Raccioppi, E. Dirkes, M. Russell, l. Rhoades, H. Baldwin. 2nd row: M. Briggs, S. Siepser, J. Vollers, C. Fleischer, Mr. Blaney, A. Yablonsky, V. Naylor, l. Evans, G. Groht, J. Mitchell 1st row: J. Renna, G . Hyman, D. Benza, Mrs. O'Donnell, D. Barrett, C. Rogers. 2nd row: J. Vollers, D. Rosoff, D. Phelan, l. Cardone. 88 Debating Club The Debating Society allows members to develop the skills of formal debate and the techniques of argu· mentation and public speaking. In preparing for the debate, each member does intensive research on a designated subject. The debates are conducted in a professional manner, observing all formal rules. The officers are: president, William Briggs; vice– president, Charles Fleischer; and secretary, laura Evans. Press Club The Press Club gathers news and information about the students and their many activities during the school days. This is no small job in a school of our size where new activities and clubs sprout almost from week to week. The news is wriHen up and sent to the local and county papers. The club does not feel the need of regular officers to conduct its constant activity. It has, however, a GO representative, linda Cardone. Membership is open to any one in the student body who can understand about dead-lines.
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