Yorktown High School 1962 Yearbook (Yorktown, NY) - Full Access

lst Row: C. Lyons, L. Racioppi, R. Dill, J. Renna. 2nd Row: J. Farrow, N. Gardner, G. Glock, S. Jordan, N. Rosenthal, E. Ettinger, L. Scolpini. AF S Club Fashion Club The members of the Fashion Club are busy individ– uals, sewing their way toward "fame and fortune." Girls who do not take Home Economics are given the opportunity to learn the art of sewing well. More learned members go into more detailed procedures or more advanced sewing projects. All the girls learn the fundamentals of good grooming and intelligent wardrobe planning. 1st Row: L. Keller, L. Siepser, G. Timourian, K. Lesh, U. Jarvinen, C. Clement, B. Barford, S. Siepser. 2nd Row: E. Eisl!nstark, J. Eisenstark, C. Papper, C. Sorrentino, B. DuBois, J. Lesh, J. Ziegler, E. Woelfel, E. Jernigan, B. Fairhurst. The AFS Club is a new organization for YHS this year. The club was formed to promote interest and enthusiasm for the American Field Service program. An important function of the AFS membership is the raising of funds to finance foreign exchange students as guests at YHS and to assist Yorktown students who wish to live abroad under the same auspices. This year's officers were president, Karen lesh; vice– president, Ulla Jarvinen; treasurer, Gregory Timour– ian; and secretary, Ellen Woelfel.