Eastmoor High School 1958 Yearbook (Columbus, OH) - Guest Access

ADMINISTRATION T. H. MAYER Principal Dear Seniors: JOHN YOUNG Vice Principal The guiding purpose of your education at Eastmoor has been to help you grow into responsible American citizens-young men and women who are capable and willing to take their place as builders of our great democracy and our world society. Certainly you are graduating into a most exciting, challenging, and perhaps the most crucial period in history. With almost limitless power already in the hands of man, the year of your graduation has seen the dawn of the space age. It is difficult to say how well you have been equipped to live in this new era. It is our prayer that you will never let the lights go out on justice, freedom, and the love of God and your fellow man, and that through your associations at Eastmoor, you have learned to cherish these virtues above all else. T. H. MAYER