Princeton High School 1961 Yearbook (Cincinnati, OH) - Full Access
FOOTBALL VARSITY SQUAD FIRST ROW: W. Asbury, j. Esterkamp, K. Ellerbusch, D. Bushelman, B. Hollmeyer, R. Moore, C. McKay, B. Bender, R. Shire/iff, E. Smith. SECOND ROW: j. Goforth, M. Carstens, D. Popplewell, T. Vickers B. Leistner, V. Rohrig, K. Bryant, j. \1oore, R. Neufarth, j. Seigel. THIRD ROW: D. euhaus, C. jones, T. Roberts, D. Dunn, j. Carstens, T . Sbrimpton, B. Davis, D. Ferris, V. Baker, V. Salvato, D. Moubray. Lakota Reading SCORES Mt. Healthy Norwood Harrison Anderson Colerain Taylor Sycamore Oak Hills 36-14 14- 6 28- 0 36- 0 30- 8 24- 0 22-14 30- 6 12-12 44-14 Driven by on excellent coaching staff, complete interest and co-ooerotion of the boys on the team, outstanding school spirit, and the wholehearted suoport of all concerned, Princeton hod a football team of which it can well be oroud. By their undefeated season the team started a tradition that we hope wi II I ive on. Princeton has never been defeated on its home field. 1 his wi II be a challenge to the returnin:J oloyers and to the players to co"lle. It they wi II remember Knute Rockne's famous advice to his football nlayers, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," this goal will be carried out. The 1960 Vikings will be long remembered as Princeton High School 's first undefeated football team. VARSITY FOOTBALL COACHES VARSITY FOOTBALL CHEERLEADERS Patsy Whi~aker, Hilda Brockmeyer, Sally Kingsley, Mr. Harvey Hermann, Mr. Bob Pitakos, Mr. Pat Mancuso, Ginny Duermit, Ginny Tucker, Not Pictured: Shirley Mr. Fran Bymes. Kerlchoff.
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