Princeton High School 1961 Yearbook (Cincinnati, OH) - Full Access
FRESHMEN FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS ARE: Gary Bates, Vice President; Barbara Streight, Treasurer; Mike Molen, President. Not Shown: Nancy Huntt ing, Secretary. A.s the school year ooened , the freshman class buzzed into life and was soon in full swing. They joined clubs, went out for soorts, and dug into the new high school courses . The f ir st term they ranked highest on the honor roll. A-ll in all , the f reshmen enjoyed a ver y prosoerous and fulfilling year. Donald Abbott Nina Adams Sheila Adkins Joe Allan Wayne Arm strong Lynette Arnold Ronald Arrick Marilyn Arthur Frank Asbury Alan Askren Jan Austin Gail Baber Patricia Baker Gary Bates Ray Bates Phi I Baumann Robert Bell Rick Bender Joy Berring Anna Marie Besco Ron Blasdel John Bolton Terry Bosken Garret t Bourne
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