Princeton High School 1961 Yearbook (Cincinnati, OH) - Full Access
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FIRST ROW: Bonnie Seeman, Carol Lueking, Rita Berssenbruegge, Betty Boone. SeCO D ROW: Judy Houze, Rick Williams, Burma Vanlandingham, Joyce Deters, Bonnie Apking, Barbara Begley. THIRD ROW: Hilda Brockmeyer, Stuart Campbell, ~fary Heismann, Shan Crockett, Burt Slusher, Wayne Byrd, Dave McDonald. FOURTH ROW: John \!itchell, eric Smith, Carol ~1ackey, Regan Moore, Pete Katz/berger. The Notional Honor Society is a nationwide club whose members ore those who hove shown themselves to be outstanding students in academics and activities. Membership into this club is greatly desire::! by all. It is unlike other clubs in that o student must be invited to 101n. Each year in Apri I the society has on induction service in which all new members are introduced to the student body. Only aoproximotely 10% of a class is ever asked to join. The club has very few functions but rnerely acts as an honor society. [ 84 1
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