Chaminade HS 1961 Yearbook (Dayton, OH) - Full Access
DEDICATION REVEREND BROTHER CHARLES OPFERMAN, S.M. Since 1955, much progress has been made to– ward the completion of the Building Program be– gun in 1950. The Man largely responsible for this progress is Bro. Charles Opferman, Principal of Chaminade for the last six years. Bro. Charles began his contribution to the pro– gram with the construction of the faculty resi– dence in 1956. This was followed by the comple– tion of the present Junior Building in 1958. Then, in the Fall of 1960, the new Administration Build– ing was dedicated. Without the devoted efforts of Bro. Charles, this progress would not have been possible. Therefore the Class of 1961 gratefully dedicates its Annual to Bro. Charles Opferman, S.M. 5
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