London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access
CLASS OF ·6o SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS President : SHARON JOHNSON Vice-President: GARY REYNOLDS Secretary: SHARON MILLER Treasurer: JIM RHANOR Social Chairmen: LEE SIDENER and TOM FOODY As inexperienced fre hmen, we entered London High for the first time in September, 1956. We spent most of this time getting acquainted with our new surroundings. With Ronnie Cornell as pre ident, we had a bake sale in November and our "hard time "party in December. The fre hmen girls were also proud to be in G.A.A. This year a ophomore we were able to enter more organization , such as Tri-L for the girls and Hi-Y for the boys. With the help of each and everyone in our class, we had an exciting year. In December we had a bake ale, our "Come a you are party" in February, a canteen for high chool tudents in February, and, to increase our treasury, we voted to have cla dues. Now we are looking forward to two more uccessful year at LHS. STRINE'S DRUG STORE • Eight n
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