London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS President: JOYCE BLAKE Vice-President: LARRY ROBERTS Secretary: CAROLE WOLLAM Treasurer: BARBARA YOUNG Social Chairman: PATIY HUNTER CLASS OF '59 In 1955, ninety-seven slightly bewildered freshmen entered London High School only to find they had absolutely no status among the upperclassmen. Nevertheless we proceeded to elect Phil Henry as president, have a successful class party, and with our eyes on the future, hold a bakesale to earn money. Susie Morri. on was our sophomore class president. We held a rummage sale, a class party, and many of our now eligible class members joined Tri-L and Hi-Y. This year, our last before we become seniors, has been a time of work and fun. Our president was Joyce Blake, and under her leadership we have held fudge sales, a 50-50 dance, sock hops, a bake sale, and sold aersol shoe spray. Our Junior-Senior Prom, which had the theme "Springtime in Japan", was held in May. This year we chose bur class colors- scarlet and grey, and our flower- the white rose. Our motto, "The path of knowledge is steep and winding but never ending", is something we will remember as we enter our last year at London High. ALEXANDER'S JEWELRY STORE Tw nty