London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access

SENIOR CLASS PLAY "TIME OUT FOR GINGER" A girl? Playing football? Thi hilariou incongruity turn the Carol family topsy-turvy when tomboy Ginger take her father's oration on individual right to heart and tries our for football. Her wide pread fame affects Mr. Carol as a banker, Joan and Jeannie as upperclassmen, and Mr . Carol and Lizzie, the maid, in their de ire for Ginger to have her share of family attention. Tommy Green, Ginger's intellectual boyfriend, believe in equality of the exe ; Mr. Wil on, principal and victim of the modern menace- teenagers, and Ed Hoffman, bank president, are also affected by Ginger's deci ion. But Eddie, Joan's egotistical boyfriend, finds Ginger an enemy of the worst ort- one who can outrun him in the 100-yard dash! Thirty-Fit