London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access

CLASS OF '58 SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS President: GEOFFREY CHESBROUGH Vice-President: PAUL WATIS Secretary: NANCY PRATI Treasurer: NORMA JONES Social Chairmen: TERRY MILLER and PAUL CUNNINGHAM The good ship '58 was chri tened in 1954 and 120 bewildered eamen, "freshman class," compri ed the crew on its maiden voyage into high school life. After gaining our ea- leg , we elected Gary Miller to lead u on the first part of the journey. We topped off the year with two very successful parties. With Steve Wicker at the helm during our sophomore year we sailed out into a ea of ventures and adventures as we chose "Before us lie the timber; let us build" as our class motto. Silver and blue were selected as our clas color , and the red ro e a our flower. Sharon Farquhar plotted the course of our junior year, as she guided us over the rough water in selecting our class rings and in putting on a very succes?ful Junior-Senior Prom. Geof Chesbrough was "Captain of ' the Fleet" a we sailed into port on our senior year. We will hold many fond memories of this voyage from the Homecoming pep meeting and dance, class party, class play, spring concert, P.T.A. carnival, and all-nite party. As we leave LHS and continue our journey onto the ea of life, we will all remember the good times we had, the friend-"SHIP " we shared. THE BOOSTER . CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADS Fifty-Four