London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access
DONNA lEE FOLAN A hig ~ 1 stepping gal with a "cunning" smile. STEPHEN MICHAEl GARRARD For the good that I would, I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do. GlORIA SUE GIST He 's " gist" another guy ! IRVIN EDWARD HACKWORTH "Why all this toil and trouble? " BARNHART SALES, Inc. ROBERTA TERESA FORO Smile when you say " cheese." DONALD STEPHEN GEYER Versatility, voice, and vitality. ANNE ARLENE GOODSON Carter's little "pill. " BEVERlY GAIL HANSON "Huh! Who uses cleaning flu1d ?" CARTER'S GROCERY Fifty-Nin e
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