London High School 1958 Yearbook (London, OH) - Full Access

L BACCALAUREATE Geof Chesbrough leads the class in for the Ba:calaureate ceremonies. Right : The Sen1or Class enters the aud1tonum tor Commencement exercises. Middle: Virginia Williams IS last to conclude h1gh school years. Lower Left: Steve W1cker represents third gen- eration to graduate from LHS. Lower Center: Dr. Floyd Faust addresses Class on "L1vmg w1th Enthusiasm." Lower Right : Class Presi- dent, Geot Chesbrough speaks tor the Class of '58. A. G. THOMAS Rev. Leonard Mann delivers his ser- mon entitled "Lining Up with Life." Snyder Insuranc e Ag ency '/,1'(/j-.. (1'( ' 11